A Letter to Our Global Clients and Partners on Covid-19

Firstly, I would like to share a heartfelt support and solidarity with you as we all are taking proactive & preventive measures in this unprecedented pandemic situation.

I hope you and your family are safe.

Our hearts go out to anyone who’s been impacted either directly or indirectly by Covid-19.

We are truly inspired by all the healthcare workers, paramedical staff, police force, government employees & all those who are on the front lines working tirelessly & making selfless contributions to care for people in need.

During this extremely challenging time, I would like to reach out to you to update you on how we are approaching this situation to support a safety and well being of the communities in which we live, work & serve –

(1) At Plexail, we are closely monitoring & following all the recommendations & safety guidelines issued by World Health Organization (WHO), Government of India & Local Authorities.

(2) All of our employees have been working from home to deliver the highest level of performance even in challenging times.

(3) We also continue to pay timely remuneration to our employees as well as vendors and make contributions to government relief fund to support our economy.   

I want to take this moment to update you that we continue to remain fully operational to serve all our clients remotely. We will be working around the clock to provide exceptional service to you. With the measures taken by our top management, we are confident to mitigate this risk together without any business disruption.  

This situation reminds us that we are all stronger than ever and connected like never before.

On behalf of all of us at Plexail, we’re committed to being your retouching partner and will be delivering the same level of support & service you are accustomed to in all the days and years ahead.

Stay safe, Stay healthy & Stay connected!

pankaj sinha plexail